Image generators are great! They are an opportunity for users to show their creativity. The license plates and hearts above are from the Image Chef. I like this tool to create signs of vocabulary words, formulas, and important names to post around the classroom. The black frame of words is from Wordle, and I thought of this tool for creating poems and riddles. Mine was made from a list of words that have a reading theme in common. Students can create their own and have classmates guess what the common theme is. Finally the sketch is from Dumpr. This could become a coloring page, and using other tools, I could add text to take it a step further.
Although I don’t show a picture, I also like Big Huge Labs to create a variety of images such as the magazine covers, trading cards, motivator posters, mosaics, badge makers, and calendars. I also found Custom Sign Generator which allows the user to upload a picture and add special effects to it.
I really enjoyed these tools and can easily foresee using them to increase vocabulary in language, add pizzazz to math problems and handouts, and to illustrate concepts in all content areas. These tools and strategies will also allow for students to feel more confident and gain more ownership of their work.
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